Flexi fare conditions
For more details, please see the Long Haul Fares page.
Where the rules or fare conditions differ between the outbound and inbound journeys, the most restrictive conditions will apply for the whole journey.
Maximum stay
12 months
Airpoints™/Frequent Flyer
Eligible for Airpoints Dollars™ & Status Points accrual or accrual of frequent flyer miles/points by airline partners.
Refund subject to cancellation penalty of ¥10,000. For infant without seat, no cancellation penalty charged.
After departure:*
The refund, if any, will be the differential between the fare paid and the applicable one-way fare for the journey completed, less a cancellation penalty of 50% of this calculated differential.
Baggage allowance
1 piece per person (excluding infants) - max 23kg each.
Excess baggage charges apply.
Note: stated allowance applies to Air New Zealand operated services only. Please refer other carrier's website for allowance on their services.
Unlimited changes permitted at no additional change. Voluntary re-routing is permitted. Any applicable fare increase must be collected.
Standard Seat Select
Premium Economy
Maximum stay
12 months
Airpoints™/Frequent Flyer
Eligible for Airpoints Dollars & Status Points accrual or accrual of frequent flyer miles/points by airline partners.
Refund subject to cancellation penalty of ¥10,000. For infant without seat, no cancellation penalty charged.
After departure:*
The refund, if any, will be the differential between the fare paid and the applicable one-way fare for the journey completed, less a cancellation penalty of 50% of this calculated differential.
Baggage allowance
2 pieces per person (excluding infants) - max 23kg each.
Excess baggage charges apply.
Note: stated allowance applies to Air New Zealand operated services only. Please refer other carrier's website for allowance on their services.
Unlimited changes permitted at no additional change. Voluntary re-routing is permitted. Any applicable fare increase must be collected.
Business Premier
Maximum stay
12 months
Eligible for Airpoints Dollars & Status Points accrual or accrual of frequent flyer miles/points by airline partners.
Refund subject to cancellation penalty of ¥10,000. For infant without seat, no cancellation penalty charged.
After departure:*
The refund, if any, will be the differential between the fare paid and the applicable one-way fare for the journey completed, less a cancellation penalty of 50% of this calculated differential.
Baggage allowance
3 pieces per person (excluding infants) - max 23kg each.
Excess baggage charges apply.
Note: stated allowance applies to Air New Zealand operated services only. Please refer other carrier's website for allowance on their services.
Unlimited changes permitted at no additional change. Voluntary re-routing is permitted. Any applicable fare increase must be collected.
Discounted fare may not be applied this conditions.
* No show after departure: Unused coupons are non-refundable.
** Tickets are not transferable to another person