Dreamy sale on now

New Zealand is the place you want to visit someday...or maybe someday again...and now we have launched "Dreamy Sale" to turn that someday into now!

* The displayed prices are for round-trip fares and include official taxes. However, since some of the calculated fares are based on a foreign exchange rate, there are instances where the final offered price may differ. Please ensure that you check the displayed contents of the final offered price before booking and purchasing your ticket. One-way fares are priced at 65% of round-trip fares.


[Important Information]

・The number of available seats is limited according to each type of fare. Furthermore, the price of fares depends on the number of available seats. The valid price of the fare will be applied at the time of purchasing a ticket. In addition, changes to fares and additional fares may be set without prior notice. If the price of the fare changes after making your purchase, no adjustment will be made for the difference in price.
・Please ensure that you read the Important Notice Regarding Airline Tickets before making your purchase.
・Where the rules or fare conditions differ between the outbound and inbound journeys, the most restrictive conditions will apply for the whole journey.